Cracking and sagging, impossible to lift, and generally falling apart – these are just some of the common signs that will tell you it’s time to replace your garage door with a new one. However, there are a few people who, in spite of the absence of any of these, still go for a replacement garage door. Why they do so? Here are the top 5 reasons why garage door should be replaced. 1. Increase the value and improve the appearance of...
Window replacement
Door Window Replacement Made Easy | If your interior doors have windows, at some point door window replacement will likely become a necessity. Door Window Replacement Made Easy If your interior doors have windows, at some point door window replacement will likely become a necessity. Whether the glass is broken or you decide to replace it with decorative glass, the steps are the same. Step 1 – Remove Interior...
How To Clean Glass Windows in Eight Easy Steps
TAYLOR, Mich., December 17, 2008—Wallside Windows—the largest retailer/manufacturer of windows in a single geographic market in the United States—has listed eight steps to follow whenever you face the task of washing the windows in your home: 1. Prepare a cleaning solution of one capful of ammonia in 2 gallons of water or 1 cup of vinegar in one quart of water.2. Dip a cloth, sponge or chamois in the solution, and wring it out to almost...