Cleaning vinyl siding may seem easy, but it’s actually harder than you think, if you do not have the necessary equipment. If your ready to invest several thousand dollars in equipment, training and products, then your on your way to becoming a successful contractor. If the home owner, to reconsider hiring a professional contractor, it may seem like an easy job for himself, but this is not so. One mistake can cost you thousands of dollars for repairs and loss.
Attempts to remove the powdery coating called oxidation on the vinyl siding when washing the house. Removing this coating can cause discoloration and in some cases lead to the siding look completely different color. Using too much pressure when cleaning vinyl siding can also cause the water behind the siding, where it will grow for the siding or in some cases, blow siding from the house!
Washing vinyl-sided houses down or letting chemicals dry on the house, which can leave streaks on the siding. Using the stairs while cleaning vinyl siding can cause damage to aluminum siding, or lead to serious injury and death from soskolznuv up the stairs. These are just some of the types of failures that many people with clean vinyl siding on homes. If you decide to use the power washer on vinyl siding, here are some general guidelines for use.
Check that the washer puts out less than 4 liters of water per minute and at least 1000 PSI.
Most new homeowners or contractors will buy a car from a hardware store, which delivers 1000 PSI, but uses only 2 gallons per minute of water. Although this machine can work, it will be three times the amount of time to do the job properly. Be careful if you make your own chemicals for cleaning vinyl siding, mixing bleach and ammonia can create a poisonous gas.
We recommend using chemicals that have been developed to properly clean vinyl siding. Some contractors buy a house, wash, which is available in most hardware stores and are unable to achieve the results they expected. Most of the houses detergents contractors need to clean vinyl siding can be purchased from the distributor, these products are designed for cleaning vinyl siding more effectively and give the best results.
The best way to clean vinyl siding is the use of X-Jet, this tool can cut your cleaning time by 50% or more! If you do not have one then use a power washing machine, which has a chemical injector built into the machine.
Use of chemical injector to clean vinyl siding will allow you to pull the soap from the container, mixing it in the car with water and spraying it on the house using low pressure, starting from the bottom up. Make sure that the use of power washer that you do not shoot water or chemicals under the vinyl siding, this can lead to significant mold and mildew problems.
Allow the chemical to dwell on the siding, but not too long, it can damage your vinyl siding clean. Then, using a low pressure, rinse the product from the siding. Make sure when your rinsing the product from the siding that you start at one end of the siding all the way to the end. Do not stop, or change the distance from the siding, or the UN will surface to be cleaned uniformly.