Living within a conservation area can seem like a double edged sword. On the one hand, even minor alterations to your home could require the hassle of local authority approval. Conversely however, you’re privileged enough to live in an area of such historic beauty that the government has deemed it necessary to implement safeguards there. Homeowners living within conservation areas are usually very committed to maintaining the splendour of their beautiful homes, and rightly so. If you feel strongly about seamlessly merging the old and new then timber or PVC – U sash windows are the solution.

When looking to replace something like windows, homeowners living in conservation areas are faced with a problem. In most cases, a Conservation Officer will carry out a survey of the proposed windows in order to ensure they’re in keeping with the spirit and aesthetics of the local area.

Normally, PVC-U windows are likely to be rejected in principle, due to associations with the cheap, mass produced windows used so commonly elsewhere. However, one timber sash windows specialist can create PVC – U sash windows which achieve such an astonishing level of realism that they serve as approved legitimate versions of this traditional style.

These PVC – U windows have been approved by local authorities across the country time and time again, and have even been the personal choice of a serving conservation officer. This means that homeowners needn’t feel trapped by conservation legislation; there are alternatives to timber windows.
When looking for conservation approved windows it is useful to select a company with experience in providing windows for these areas. This saves you time and hassle of having an inexperience supplier’s window rejected and goes some way to ensuring that the finished product with be closely refined, paying attention to every detail closely.

By having their PVC – U sash windows from this approved firm, customers can enjoy the beauty of a rich and detailed timber finish while benefiting from the increased durability and weather resistance of high grade PVC – U. Don’t accept anything less than timber or PVC –U sashes from this market leader and capitalise on the selective status of your home as a protected property.

About Author
Written by Jenny Pilley on behalf of Bygone Collection; specialists in sash windows